Saturday, January 26, 2008

Apple Mac Ads on Websites

Apple's funny 'Buy a Mac' ads are popular nowadays, that those ads are now seen on several tech websites.

The Buy a Mac Ads

"Hi, I'm a Mac - And I'm a PC"
Those are almost always the first line in the popular Buy-a-Mac ads. Famous for pointing out the blunders of Windows and promoting the Mac, these ads are found on the Apple website. With people representing the machines (the pudgy guy as PC, and the younger guy a Mac), they talk about each other's differences and advantages, but usually ends up with the Mac guy the winner.
Now, these ads are seen on several tech websites, including The ad consists of two parts; the broad large part on the top, and the tall, narrow part on the right (or left) of the screen. PC and Mac are on the narrow part, and usually, the characters 'breaks the ceiling' and interacts with the banner on the top.

They are simply hilarious, and fun to watch. Ads on the websites, however, are not available on the Apple website. Still, there are a handful of Mac ads available at

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